Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Purpose and Power of Pushing Forward

I would be lying if I told you challenges never crossed my path.  Or that I never thought about giving up.  Matter of fact, not only would I be lying to you, but myself as well.  Oh how I wish life was smooth and easy.  Or that everything went my way all according to plan.  But it wouldn't be realistic.  If it did, would I appreciate it?  For every disappointment, my faith was shaken.  For every setback, I get discouraged and can't see the forest from the trees.  Fear, worry and doubt set in and I become distracted.  I want to throw up my hands in frustration and yell "What's the use!"   It sure doesn't help when the devil finds me when I am most vulnerable and whispers in my ear "Why bother." 

Although, I have many reasons to throw in the towel, the reasons to keep pushing forward outweighed them.  There is purpose and power in pushing forward.  It's having faith in what I can't see and believing it is bigger than what I can see with the naked eye.  It's realizing that after the storm comes sunshine and peace.  It's appreciating every achievement because the journey to success was long and difficult.  It's believing that when one door closes another is opening wide just for me to walk through.  It's understanding that with God on my side, I can move mountains and cross the widest rivers.  Just like a mother giving birth to her beautiful child, she pushes even in pain.  She pushes when it's not comfortable.  She pushes exhausted and feels like she can't go on.  She pushes because the seed that was planted has grown and is now ready to be birthed.  

So I push even when my knees buckle!
I push with tears streaming down my face!
I push because having regrets is not an option!
I push forward because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
The purpose and power of pushing forward was worth it because I am stronger, wiser and abundantly blessed!   

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come: Memoirs of Women Who Survived Domestic Violence

Finally my newly published book is here!!  It has been a long journey with many twist, turns and bumps, but with God's mercy and grace, I survived and persevered.  If you know of anyone, man or woman, who is trapped in an abusive relationship, please share this book.  It contains six true stories, including mine, of our trials, tribulations and triumphs.  I want people to know the statistics are alarming and that you don't have to suffer alone and shame.  

You can purchase the paperback through CreateSpace.com or purchase the ebook or paperback through Amazon.com

Take care of yourself and be blessed!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Did YOU Miss YOUR Exit?

The idea for this post came to me while having a heart to heart talk with my dear friend Elena.  Elena admitted to being so engrossed into a conversation with her friends in the car that she didn’t pay attention to what was right in front of her.  Elena lost situational awareness on the destination she was heading to.  Once she realized her exit was coming up, she erratically veered across several lanes to get there.  In her haste, she risked not only her life and her friends, but other drivers as well.  When Elena couldn't make it to her turn off in time, she had no choice but to drive past the intended exit in hopes of quickly approaching an alternative one.  Consequently, this left Elena and her friends frustrated and behind schedule.  She was able to draw a parallel to personal missed opportunities to that of missing an exit while driving down the highway. 

 Immediately, I could relate to the comparison Elena drew from her story.  I lost count of how many times I worried about what others said or thought about me.  I was overwhelmed with the self-induced drama I allowed myself to live.   Additionally, I was in relationships with men I had no business being in.  Besides that, I accumulated "friends" to where the relationship was lopsided (I gave and they received).   Furthermore, I struggled professionally because I lacked effort and concentration.  I became absorbed with things that didn't add a positive purpose to my well-being.  Unfortunately, I lost focus to what was important.  

In other words, I desired tranquility in my life while obtaining my goals and fulfilling my purpose, but my actions showed otherwise.  By failing to plan, prepare and execute, I missed my exit.  I missed an opportunity.  Ultimately, I missed a blessing. 

Can you relate?  Have you lost sight to what is important?  Is your life in crisis and you keep missing opportunities and blessings?  Whether we realize it or not, our poor decision making or lack of planning, will directly or indirectly affect others.  Whose life are you jeopardizing along with yours?  It’s only when we get tired of swerving across four lanes only to miss our turn and have to drive out of our way to find the next exit, do we get focused and get on the right track. 

Your GPS (God’s Purpose for Self) is specifically programed for you.  God is willing to guide you every step of the way if you allow Him to do so.  Tomorrow is not promised, so stop driving aimlessly through life while expecting to reach your destination safely and on time.  Peace, Purpose and Power are waiting for you.     

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Forgiveness Is the Key

Unstoppable You is being able to Forgive.  Once you put it in your mind and heart to do so, 
Forgiveness becomes the Key that unlocks the handcuffs, which holds you captive to self-destructive behavior and thoughts.  

By Forgiving, you make a conscious effort of breaking the toxic pattern that has been passed down from generation to generation.  When you unlock the handcuffs, every meaningful relationship you have will benefit.