Monday, December 14, 2015

How Does Your Perspective Dictate Your Priorities?

It wasn't very long ago when I was stumbling through life without a moral compass. I took God on and off the shelf when it was convenient for me. I found myself in debt, made repeated bad choices in relationships, didn't honor my body as the temple it was meant to be, and never took the time to figure out who I truly was. On top of all that, I was always trying to fit in where I was clearly meant to stand out. Overall, my priorities were out of order. It took many hard lessons of hitting rock bottom for me to finally self-reflect and get my priorities straight. Although it was hard to accept, I was the common denominator for my dysfunction, depression, and despair.  

I understand now that my perspective on life dictates my priorities and I no longer want to come up short. I am the daughter of the Most High, the King of all kings! I am fearfully and wonderfully made! If you can relate, I encourage you to do a gut check. Is your perspective on life centered around self-destruction or self-improvement?

Now is the time to be Unstoppable You!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Like Autumn Leaves, Change and Let Go

Although it is hard to admit, throughout my life I overextended myself so that others would see me for who I was and what I brought to the table. I thought by being superwoman, I could change them. If I loved harder and stronger, they would change and love me back. What I received in return was disappointment and more dysfunction. I now realize through my journey, that the love I needed started with ME. That change had to start with me. Self-love, self-respect, and self-esteem is so important to feeling at peace and living on purpose. Like the leaves that fall from the tree on an autumn day, I needed to change and let go. I had to recognize when my purpose had been served and move on with my life. It's very hard for something that is alive and something that is dead to stay attached whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. 

I pray this encourages someone today to reflect and reevaluate who or what they are trying to stay attached to.

Three Monkey Parenting: Your Child Deserves Better

Just thinking..Are WE giving our children all the tools to safely navigate this world? Are WE being the positive examples our children need and deserve? If WE are willing teach our children how to look both ways to safely cross the street, then WE as adult caretakers need to go deeper, and talk about the uncomfortable topics that could leave lasting emotional and mental scars, if WE don't. WE can't afford to parent like the three monkeys covering up our eyes, mouth, and ears when it comes to domestic violence, rape, low self-worth, child sexual abuse,and so on. If WE want to make a difference, then WE must do our part and start an open dialog. What WE don't teach them at home, the world will, and the lessons won't be so kind. WE owe it to our children.

You can find me at Facebook: or website: or Twitter: @jenniferfoxwor1 or YouTube: Inspirationally Speaking, LLC

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Let's Fly Like Geese!

There is definite truth in the saying "birds of a feather flock together". We can learn something from geese who always fly in a V formation when migrating. It has significant value, which in turn we can apply to how we treat those we hold dear. 

According to research, the V formation helps conserve energy. Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of him, resulting in a reduction of wind resistance. The birds takes turns being in the front, falling back when they get tired. Because of this, the geese can fly longer before needing to rest. The second value of the V formation is that it is easy to keep track of every bird in the group. Flying in formation may assist with the communication and coordination within the group.  There are several other benefits of flying in a V formation.  All of it improves teamwork, whether personally or professionally.

Lesson: when we have each others back, we can go further. Everyone has an opportunity to lead, no one's job is more important than the other. When we stick together, assumptions or are reduced because the communication is fluid throughout, no one gets left behind.

So, who's in your V formation?

The Light Within

As I walk in my purpose, my reality is sometimes scary. I tell you no lie, there are days when I want to stop in my tracks and retreat. But God spoke to me today and told me that He is using me as His lighthouse. That through my actions, I am supposed to draw those who are broken, lost crashing in the waves, and struggling to keep their head above water.  By my actions and words, I am guiding them into the safety of His loving arms. Overall, the lighthouse gives reassurance that He is always there. The light that people see, is Jesus Christ which shines through me. 

God is also the foundation that the lighthouse was built. God encouraged me that people see me as a beacon of hope and inspiration, that if "Jennifer can do it, I know I can too." God said no matter what, I have to shine bright. There will be many times when the devil will try and cut the electricity, but that's when I pick up a flashlight to keep shining. When the batteries run down from the flashlight, I must pick up a candle until that flame flickers out. 

Bottom line is to never give up. For me, not giving up requires a lot of work to stay balanced and be the person God wants me to be. I can't praise Him on Sunday and condemn others on Monday. I will never be perfect but I can do my best to be consistent. 

When you take a look at this picture you may say "Big deal! It's a lighthouse." But this beautiful lighthouse represents so much more. On the outside it doesn't look very appealing. This lighthouse is weathered and stained. Not only that, but it stands alone. Just like this lighthouse, that's how God uses us best, when we are tarnished and broken. But what's so amazing, is that on the inside of this lighthouse is a light that shines so bright that it attracts so many. This lighthouse represents God's goodness, mercy, and grace. It's a resource for safety, refuge, and redemption. This is how your test becomes your testimony!

I encourage you to be a lighthouse and let God's love shine bright through you.

Unshackled by Forgiveness

I am humbled and honored to see another day. Through my journey, I can testify of how God's favor and mercy have truly kept me even when I didn't deserve it. After I got out of my abusive nightmare, then came the long road of healing. What transitioned me from survivor to thriver? It was the personal act of forgiving. It wasn't for my ex-boyfriend's sake, it was for mine. Not only did I forgive him, but I forgave myself, and anyone else who I held responsible for my circumstances. Words can't express how freeing it was. Once I put it in my mind and heart to forgive, I immediately felt the weight come off. The negative emotions of anger, sorrow, resentment, and depression were baggage that kept me sinking further into the abyss.  
It is amazing how something so simple but yet so hard to do, kept me shackled for so long.  It was time for me to release the strongholds of unforgiving.  It was a shackle that kept me from Living ON Purpose.  If the devil had his wicked way, I would have continued to spiral out of control and forget all the good things in my life that was worth living for.  All because I was consumed with resentment.
Nelson Mandela said it perfectly "Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it kills your enemy." So if you are having trouble moving forward and finding purpose in your life, stop drinking the poison.

God bless and have an Unstoppable You day!

Your Legacy-Dysfunction or Inspiration

In my Unstoppable You Workshop, one of the topics that I address is Legacy.
 According to Webster's Dictionary, Legacy means 1: A gift by will especially money or other personal property 2: Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. 
With that being said, what are people inheriting from YOU? Is it DYSFUNCTION or INSPIRATION? What personal characteristics are you passing down to your children and grandchildren? Is it commitment, love, courage, perseverance? Or is it a lack of responsibility, laziness, hatred, and dirty family secrets? If it is dysfunction, then I want you to know it is not too late to change that legacy into inspiration. How do we make this happen? We must be honest with ourselves. In order to be Unstoppable, one must realize who they truly are and methodically pave a path free of shame, guilt, and confusion. Self-awareness leads to positive change which leads to growth. This is one way we can reduce a generation of lost, self-absorbed, and uncompassionate souls.
Have an Unstoppable You day!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to Seek Joy Through Grateful Eyes

In my growth to seek joy and fulfillment in life, I have come to realize that complaining about a problem can be counterproductive when there is no action put forth to find a solution.  I admit that I have been guilty of complaining and wallowing in self-pity because something was not as I saw it should be.  With that type of attitude, nothing will ever be good enough.  It's in these moments that I had to look in the mirror and self-reflect.  Seeking joy is all about perspective.  Is the glass half empty or half full?  There are positive and amazing things happening around me every day if I take the time to see it.  Seeing through grateful eyes allows me to be still and enjoy these opportunities.  Of course, I would like to be debt free with a wealthy bank account, bigger house, and fancy cars.   But even the richest people with these items are lonely and depressed.  However, what I do have are loving and supportive family and friends.  They are my "A Team" who are willing to come along side my vision and cheer me on as well as pick me up when I struggle to push forward.  The encouragement I receive is a blessing, and no amount of money can replace that. 

So how can you seek joy through grateful eyes?

1. If you can read this post, then you were blessed to wake up, while having the mental, emotional and physical ability to comprehend it. 

2. Put things in perspective and realize your situation could be worse.  

3. Appreciate the little things, like the beauty and scent of a flower.  If you can't appreciate the small things, how can you enjoy the big things?  

4. Love yourself unconditionally regardless of mistakes and failures.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

5. Find something to smile and laugh about every day.  Laughter is some of the best medicine and it doesn't need to be covered by insurance to get it.

6. Get centered with your mind, body and soul.  It is important to realize that when we are in alignment spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, it is hard for the devil to knock us off balance.  By being in alignment, this allows our eyes to focus and see with clarity what is true.

7. Last but certainly not least, understand that God is faithful.  His mercy and grace is more than enough.  When you look at the big picture of your life, it was designed specifically to make you stronger, wiser and polished like a diamond.

I pray these seven steps provide insight and inspiration.  Although it has taken some time and my journey has been long, I can see clearly.  I am grateful I am not where I once was.  I am grateful to share my testimony.

Photo taken by Thomas W. Foxworthy