Sunday, July 19, 2015

Unshackled by Forgiveness

I am humbled and honored to see another day. Through my journey, I can testify of how God's favor and mercy have truly kept me even when I didn't deserve it. After I got out of my abusive nightmare, then came the long road of healing. What transitioned me from survivor to thriver? It was the personal act of forgiving. It wasn't for my ex-boyfriend's sake, it was for mine. Not only did I forgive him, but I forgave myself, and anyone else who I held responsible for my circumstances. Words can't express how freeing it was. Once I put it in my mind and heart to forgive, I immediately felt the weight come off. The negative emotions of anger, sorrow, resentment, and depression were baggage that kept me sinking further into the abyss.  
It is amazing how something so simple but yet so hard to do, kept me shackled for so long.  It was time for me to release the strongholds of unforgiving.  It was a shackle that kept me from Living ON Purpose.  If the devil had his wicked way, I would have continued to spiral out of control and forget all the good things in my life that was worth living for.  All because I was consumed with resentment.
Nelson Mandela said it perfectly "Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it kills your enemy." So if you are having trouble moving forward and finding purpose in your life, stop drinking the poison.

God bless and have an Unstoppable You day!

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