Tuesday, July 3, 2018

No Need To Starve

It's widely known that correctional institutions would serve bread and water to prisoners who ended up in solitary confinement as a form of punishment due to being violent and/or unruly. Although bread or a loaf-like mixture of many foods along with water had the necessary nutrients to sustain the prisoner, the monotony of having to endure eating this three times a day, for several days or even weeks, was enough to negatively impact the prisoner's physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Why do I bring this up? So often we go through life shackled and in bondage like a prisoner from low self-esteem, unprocessed emotions from traumatic childhood experiences, jealousy, envy, and unforgiveness. Through self-sabotage, we dull the pain with the temporary fix of drugs, alcohol, gambling, and promiscuity. We use these dysfunctional techniques to fill a void because we are hurt and empty.

Sharing from experience, I know this emptiness all to well. We can go our whole lives trying to fill our emptiness with the things of this world, but we will never be truly satisfied. That's why they're temporary and will always lead to trouble. The devil delights in our despair. So if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of eating like a prisoner then I encourage you to break free from the chains of self-hate, drama, and depression!
Praise God I now know an eternal source that is the Living Bread. And if you accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, He will sustain you so that you will never starve (John 6:35). If you believe, the Holy Spirit will dwell from within and flow like Living Water (John 4:13-14) and (John 7:37-39). I pray for your shackles to be released and for you to hunger and thirst no more.

#UnstoppableGod #Breakfree #Livinbread #Livingwater #hungernomore#noneedtostarve

By way of background, Jennifer is a retired U.S. Navy veteran, domestic violence advocate, and inspirational influencer. As the Founder and CEO of Inspirationally Speaking, LLC and Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc., Jennifer is passionately walking in her purpose as an award winning motivational speaker and bestselling author of Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come: Memoirs of Women Who Survived Domestic Violence. Jennifer is also the Founder of the Unstoppable You Conference, TV Show Host of Living Unshackled ON Purpose, corporate trainer, prolific blogger, and public speaking coach. After 21.7 years of faithful service in the military, it is her desire to continue to be of service. Jennifer's business mission is to help others find their personal peace, purpose and power through sharing her journey, the good, the bad and the ugly. Visit:www.inspirationallyspeaking.com to book Jennifer for your next event.
Feel free to contact me:*Jennifer Foxworthy, *jennifer@unstoppableyouministriesinc.org * 1 (833) 330-7867 (STOP) *www.unstoppableyouministriesinc.org

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