Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Pebble or the Rock

Which has the greater impact, the pebble or the rock? Many people would think the heavier stone, the rock, would have the greatest impact. I don't believe this choice to be true. When a heavy stone is thrown into a pond, it sinks to the bottom. However, when a pebble is thrown into the pond, it lingers near the surface and creates ripples. This effect happens because it's lighter. Can you imagine when we have Christ in our lives and have released the burdens of guilt, shame, hurt, envy, poor relationships, resentment, and low self-esteem, how much lighter we could be? Our pride, ego, and inability to lift others up, keeps us heavy and unable to heal and move forward. By being light, we make the greatest impact by becoming focused, happier, and more pleasant to be around. We are able to thrive and live on purpose.

Just think about it. When we lighten ourselves from the things that serve no positive purpose, the impact is felt from the inner to the outer ring. The first ring that will benefit from the impact is our family, second is our friends, third ring is our colleagues, and the fourth ring is our community. The fifth ring and beyond represents our country and the world. Our impact is only limited to what we choose it to be.

Beloved I encourage you to reflect on which stone you are- the pebble or the rock. My prayer is for you to lighten your burdens, give them to the Lord, and let Him use you in a mighty way that will positively impact those around you.

By way of background, Jennifer is a retired U.S. Navy veteran, domestic violence advocate, and inspirational influencer. As the Founder and CEO of Inspirationally Speaking, LLC and Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc., Jennifer is passionately walking in her purpose as an award winning motivational speaker and bestselling author of Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come: Memoirs of Women Who Survived Domestic Violence. Jennifer is also the Founder of the Unstoppable You Conference, TV Show Host of Living Unshackled ON Purpose, corporate trainer for College of Southern Maryland, prolific blogger, and public speaking coach. After 21.7 years of faithful service in the military, it is her desire to continue to be of service. Jennifer's business mission is to help others find their personal peace, purpose and power through sharing her journey, the good, the bad and the ugly. Visit: www.inspirationallyspeaking.com to book Jennifer for your next event.

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